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Water Birth

Kinder Water Birthing Centre

This facility is set to redefine the birthing experience in Kerala, offering mothers a natural and empowering option for welcoming their newborns into the world. Kinder Hospital Kochi, renowned for women and child care, is making waves with its state-of- the-art water birthing centre. The water birthing centre is equipped with a dedicated expert team and stringent infection prevention protocols, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for mothers. The beautifully themed birthing suites create a serene atmosphere, contributing to a positive birthing journey. Kinder Hospital Kochi’s commitment to providing advanced maternal care is evident in its adoption of innovative practices like water birthing.

Water Birth

Most women prefer natural childbirth, but doctors may recommend alternative methods based on the health of the mother and baby and other risk factors. One such beneficial method similar to traditional childbirth is water birth. In this process, the mother enters a water birth suite or a warm water tub during the active phase of labor. The water temperature is maintained at body temperature. This method provides comfort and reduces the need for medications during delivery.

To be eligible for a water birth, the following conditions must be met:

  • - The mother’s weight should be below 100 kg
  • - The baby should be in a head-down position
  • - The mother should be in good health and able to exit the birthing pool quickly if needed
  • - The mother’s vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) should be within normal ranges
  • - Labor should be progressing naturally without the need for intravenous medication to augment contractions

Laboring in water offers numerous advantages, including:

  • - Reduced contraction pain
  • - Enhanced natural pain relief through endorphin production
  • - Lower need for pain relief medications like pethidine or epidurals
  • - Decreased need for labor-accelerating drugs like oxytocin
  • - Shorter labor duration
  • - Increased sense of control and empowerment
  • - Buoyancy and comfort from the birthing pool, conserving energy for labor
  • - Higher likelihood of a natural birth
  • - More enjoyable labor experience
  • - Relaxed pelvic floor muscles and softer perineum, reducing tearing risk
  • - Gentler birth experience for the baby”


A water birth is generally considered suitable for healthy pregnant individuals who have experienced a normal pregnancy without serious medical conditions or complications and have spontaneously entered into established labour characterized by strong, regular contractions.

Utilization of Water Immersion for Pain Relief During Labour

Water immersion has been proven to be an effective method of pain relief during labor. While some women may opt to use the birthing pool solely for pain management and choose to give birth outside of the water, others may find it beneficial to combine water immersion with additional coping strategies. These may include breathing and relaxation techniques, massage, or gas and air (Entonox), all of which can be employed while in the pool.

However, if further pain relief is required, such as an injection of pethidine or an epidural, it will be necessary to exit the pool. Additionally, access to the birthing pool will be restricted for a period of four hours following the administration of a pain-relieving injection.

A Cochrane review has substantiated the benefits of water immersion during the first stage of labor, demonstrating a reduction in analgesia usage and maternal pain reports, without adverse effects on labor duration, operative delivery, or neonatal outcomes.

Water Temperature

To ensure a comfortable and safe environment, the water temperature should be maintained between 36.5°C and 37°C during the first stage of labor and adjusted to 37.5°C for the birth. Hourly temperature checks will be conducted by the staff nurse to monitor the mother’s temperature, water temperature, and room temperature.

To prevent dehydration, mothers are advised to consume additional water throughout labor. The water level in the pool will be maintained above the uterus and below the breasts to provide optimal support while preventing overheating. Frequent water intake is recommended to maintain adequate hydration levels.

A sieve will be utilized to remove any fecal matter from the pool to minimize the risk of contamination. During the second stage of labor, the water temperature will be elevated to 37.5°C to prevent premature stimulation of the baby’s breathing. Upon delivery, the baby should be brought to the surface face-first as soon as possible by either the mother, partner, or staff nurse.

Here are the reasons why you may need to leave the pool during labor, presented in a clear and concise manner:
“Circumstances that may require exiting the pool:
  • 1. *Toilet breaks*: You may need to leave the pool to use the restroom.
  • 2. *Fetal monitoring*: If there are difficulties in monitoring your baby’s heart rate or if any irregularities are detected, you may be asked to exit the pool.
  • 3. *Vaginal examination*: Although vaginal examinations can be performed in the pool, you may be requested to leave the pool for this procedure.
  • 4. *Maternal health concerns*: If your blood pressure, pulse, or temperature become abnormal, you will be asked to exit the pool.
  • 5. *Labor progress*: If your labor does not progress as expected, you may need to leave the pool to explore other options.
  • 6. *Placenta delivery*: After giving birth, you will need to exit the pool to deliver the placenta

You can choose to leave the pool at any time during labour, except when the baby’s head is about to deliver.

How will you be cared for during labour and birth in water?

To maximize the benefits of labouring in water, we strive to create a peaceful, calm, and relaxed atmosphere. Our approach is centered around minimizing disruptions, allowing you to focus on your labour journey.

Our dedicated staff nurses will provide supportive care, accompanied by your chosen birth partner. To ensure your safety and your baby’s well-being, we will listen your baby’s heart rate and regularly check your temperature, pulse, and blood pressure

Risks Associated with Laboring in Water:

For healthy women experiencing an uncomplicated term pregnancy, the incidence of complications during water labor is exceedingly low. One concern that may arise is the potential for the baby to inhale water while still submerged. However, this scenario is highly unlikely due to the presence of multiple physiological mechanisms that prevent such an occurrence. Notably, the sudden drop in temperature that typically accompanies birth serves as a natural deterrent to the baby’s breathing reflex. To further mitigate this risk, the water temperature is meticulously monitored throughout the labor process to prevent any sudden changes. Additionally, ensuring the baby’s head is fully submerged during delivery delays the initiation of the breathing reflex until the head is clear of the water, thereby minimizing the risk of water inhalation.