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You don't need to remove uterus because fibroid, fibroids may range in size from a small sub centimetric to large more than 20 cm filling the abdomen. Multiple fibroids in the uterus may sometimes require removal of uterus when we try to remove fibroids because of heavy bleeding during surgery.
When we remove uterus, ovary loses its support from uterus for its function. So one can go for symptoms of hormonal deficiency (menopause).
No, very often they are removed if patient has bleeding symptoms associated or has infertility.
Uterine fibroids are removed if they are large (more than 6 cm) or if they cause symptoms like heavy bleeding, foul smelling discharge per vagina.
6 cm or above.
Fibroid has subserous can have engorged vessels on its surface. these may bleed into peritoneal cavity causing severe pain and abdominal distention. This may need emergency surgery.
Generally, in young age group fibroids are not cancerous. Cancer usually is seen in fibroids when they grow rapidly after menopause.
Uterus removal with along with ovaries cause condition called surgical menopause. acute symptoms like hot flushes during day and night which can cause sleep disturbance, emotional symptoms include irritability, poor concentration, poor memory and lose of self-esteem, vaginal dryness causes pain full sex.

Late symptoms like, loss of born density, increase risk for heart problems, increase risk for dementia. Most of symptoms can be treated by hormone therapy.
Alcohol consumption in pregnancy can have serious effects on your baby. It increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, birth defects, low birth weight. It can also cause your baby to develop a serious life long condition called fetal alcohol spectrum of disorder.
Amount of weight gain depends on your situation. 7 to 11 kg weight gain in pregnancy is considered healthy in pregnancy. However, in obese and overweight in pregnancy mother weight gain should be lesser. Under weight (4 to 7 Kg) women will need to gain more (13 to 15Kg).
We at kinder offers multiple pain relief methods during labour. Options include breathing & relaxation practices, medications, laughing gas, epidural injection and TENS. Women can choose from all the options available according to their wishes and demands.
Cesarean section are recommended when the mother or the baby at the risk. There are multiple reasons why a cesarean section can be recommended. Like fetal distress, breech, placenta previa, previous Cesarean section, etc.
Like any other surgical procedure episiotomy can have adverse outcomes like pain, swelling, gaping, injection etc. How ever your doctor may suggest episiotomy incase require at the time of child birth to make the opening larger.
Regular exercise during pregnancy is safe & beneficial. However its your doctor has advised rest due to previous miscarriage, low lying placenta, short cervix, preterm pain, twins etc then exercise need to avoid.
Epidurals are generally safe but like with as medication side effects & complications sometimes happen. Sometime epidural want block your pain. Its normal for your blood pressure fall a little when you have epidural, sometimes it can make you sick, sometimes it can cause temporary side effects like loss of blader control, headache etc. You and your baby will be closely monitored for such adverse effect.